Tuesday, January 19, 2010

On black swans and things impossible

Our friend and Projek Samadhi member, Arjun, pasted an Adidas magazine ad on the door of 577 (PS Headquarters). It says:

P.R. Sarkar has encapsulated this thought in one line: ‘As you think, so you become’.

One of Papa’s books I read when I was a little girl, says ‘Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve’.

Bestselling book The Secret discussed the Law of Attraction. Attract and it will happen. Much like the pious saying, ‘Lord, I claim it and it’s mine.’

In the movie ‘What the Bleep do we know?’ Quantum Physics is defined as the science of possibilities. Basically it says that we have the power to choose among infinite possibilities what to make of ourselves and our lives. This is not very easy to digest, since we have been indoctrinated from childhood that our life has been charted for us despite our so-called free will.

The conditioning we receive from birth until we become old enough to think for ourselves makes it very hard for us to accept that the reality we thought IS, could ever be changed. That is why we are shaken when something unexpected happens. We are pushed from our comfort zones, unbelieving of the new reality that faces us.

All our choices are happening now, that is why whatever we choose is destined to happen. This choice may be in thought or deed or both. Our choice becomes our experience, which is our reality. With an understanding of this, it seems not so hard to appreciate that we can choose our own reality. In fact, we can make our own reality. In believing, half the battle is won.

Indeed, the impossible is possible. If we don’t know something, or if there is no proof (yet) of its existence, we believe that it is never going to happen. Black swans used to be an impossibility until one explorer saw an actual black swan in Australia. Like many other things impossible before it, it opened up a whole new world of possibilities. Remember when people believed that the world is flat?

In the book The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable, Nassim Nicholas Taleb writes, ‘We concentrate on things we already know and time and time again fail to take into consideration what we don't know.’ Maybe because of this, we fail to see the infinite possibilities out there.

Maybe we just need to accept the possibility of the impossible to realize the fullness of our being, the infinite living within us, and the Divine that can make everything possible.

Am I hardwired like everybody? Is it not possible for me/us/our country/our world to realize my/our full potential? Yes, I am/we are hardwired, but it IS STILL possible for me/us to be our highest possible self/nation/world. In believing so, half the battle is already won.

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