Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Next Buddha

They say the next Buddha will be a group. I have experienced this in all our Nick Perlas circles. I think it is why I choose to come, again and again.

Each time we gather to listen for what is ours to hear, attend to, speak and do — as long as we have sat down in circle, facing each other, taken a few deep breaths, opened a sacred space through poetry, song, prayer, deep breaths, and we speak and listen — again and again — from the Heart, truly and consistently, the greater truth and wisdom arises. Each and every time.

Last night’s circle was no different. Individuals came in from a long day of school or work, dinner mostly forgotten, some arriving after a 2-hour bus ride. Each time, the circle expanded by one, two, three chairs. Each time, we invited their speaking and storytelling. Each time we listened and nodded.....mulling over, chewing on what was being offered, from one heart to the heart of the group.

As the evening drew late, the conversation remained lively and thoughtful. As we’re learning about “how this works”, the circle process inevitably comes upon a snarl. Something being planned is not feeling right. Some confusion, some frustration is felt. Tiredness begins to set in. Flow is suspended as people venture to offer ways to untangle and clarify. Into the center, silence falls. Is allowed, welcomed.

And then, a few lean forward, and a new level of speaking begins. It is palpable. Something is arising, and members of the circle one by one sit up straight, listen, catch the energy drift of those speaking. And a new and clear way is open. The Buddha in our midst has spoken.

Why Nick? Because I like the company he keeps and the circle process we are learning to live by and the Heart that brings us our truth and wisdom. Each and every time.

You oughta try it sometime.

1 comment:

  1. Great to get a glimpse of the process, Tress. I continue to learn new things. And I like the detailed account of the emergence of collective consciousness. Good sample of how to generate such effect. Thanks for this. Great documentation, short and quantum.


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