Monday, February 22, 2010

Tito Nicky Gets Writer's Vote

My friend's nephew sent this....from I love how the youth are not as attached nor beholden nor socialized to "how things have always been", and therefore can recognize truth and heart-based reason when it is staring them in the face.


I like this article. You can read more here
Quotes from the writer.
What does it matter if the candidate falls first or last in the surveys? What matters is that the voter believes. That is the logic of true democracy. Anything less than that is a compromise that measures the limits of democracy and the maturity of voters.
Voting is a moral imperative. The single person has an apparatus of judgment inside her. This is an apparatus ever so complex because it has been born out of millions of years of human existence. It expresses itself through a deep feeling for what is right. All humans know when a thing is ugly or beautiful. They can feel it. Stealing is ugly because it feels ugly. One can reason its ugliness but that comes after the feeling. This is why reason is always problematic and suspicious. Anything can be reasoned out, especially the act of voting for one who steals.
This is the logic of voting for Nicanor Perlas. Choice and voting are as sacred as birth itself. It is a way for humans to determine what comes closest to the truth for everyone. It is a way much more dependable than one writer sitting alone in front of a computer writing her own beliefs about what the truth is. This, even if the writer begins with: I lie. The Maker is wrong to muddle his mind with too much intellectual garbage. The moral purity of choice is the very foundation of modern democracy itself.

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