From Nurse Carlie's blogsite Viva La Vida Gabe, comes this blog post in between her speaking engagements and TV, radio and newspaper interviews. You gotta hand it to her, she's got spunk!

ETA: OMG Mr Perlas tweeted about me! I'm happier than when I learned I passed the exam ::faints::

ETA: OMG Mr Perlas tweeted about me! I'm happier than when I learned I passed the exam ::faints::
I'm a pretty low-key person (I really would have preferred to pass and finally get my license without all the fanfare), but I thought, "Hey, why not use all this once-in-a-lifetime attention to promote a cause greater and way more important than me?" So Rex (love of Pam's life), thank you very much for mentioning Nicanor Perlas, who needs all the press he can get. Your mentions made the entire media circus worth it ;)
An aside: I also brought up Mr Perlas at the end of a live radio interview with Bombo Radyo Cagayan de Oro, after which they promptly hung up on me without saying goodbye :((((( Another interview with a local paper:
Reporter: Naa ka mensahe nga ikadungag 'day?
Me: Sir pwede i-mention nga supporter ko ni Nicanor Perlas?
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