The artists came, eager to bring their voice and art to jam for a New Philippines and to connect with the man they believed would partner with them in paving the way for ART to have its rightful place in the development of our society. Singers, songwriters, event organizers, interior designers, painters, poets, writers
I hosted & emceed the evening with Tapati Tarongoy, lead singer of Joey Ayala’s Ang Bagong Lumad. We opened with reflections of the day, caravaning to far off towns of Cebu province and walking deep into the inner streets of Cebu City. We earnestly spoke of our belief in Nick’s stance -- that we are all artists, our own life being the medium for our art, to create the inner and outer landscape of our world.
The following artists then gave heartfelt performances, each expressing their commitment to a brighter future for all:
G.K. Band playing rastaninja music in the call for peace, freedom and love, and

in tribute of another peacemaker for civil society, Bob Marley.
* Cattski “
The Cat” Espina, independent recording artist, singer of infusion of pop, folk & modern rock music.
* Poet Kabino performed “
Gugmang Napusay” by Engr. Inday Zener with such panache evoking the audience in dramatic and humorous fashion to check our assumptions before closing our minds around what we think we already know.
* Budoy Mirabile

s – Budoy! Budoy! the people on every street corner chant their recognition and delight as he passes out Perlas leaflets -- of Cebu-based
Junior Kilat Band and reggae musician, songwriter and TV host. Budoy, after singing his signature song
Ako si M-16, proudly and excitedly introduces Nick Perlas as his next president of the Philippines in 2010.
Nick comes on stage with an illuminating and inspiring talk on the place of ART in the new civil society as part of reclaiming our true soul as a Filipino people. He exuded passion and dedication to endorsing and supporting this belief in every way he can.
His rousing call to stand up as artists of our lives and world was received and warmly embraced by the audience. In a silent reflection led by Barba T. Godinez, leader of Access Road, a group of visual artists, Nick and then many of the audience walked up to the board to write “
Wish for a Brighter Philippines”. Nick’s Wish: “A new Philippines powered by artistic, creative, conscious and knowledgeable Filipinos” followed by audience wishes for “Musikultura!”, “A Wowow-wee-free Culture Philippines”, “Peace not War”, “Creative & artistic education” and other beautiful wishes. Followed by the silent lighting of candles in a dimly-lit Handuraw, as Fr. Tito Soquino led a group through prayer evoking the power of one little candle lit inside each one of us and together, to make into reality the hope and vision for a new Philippines.
At the count of three, audience held their wishes in their hearts and blew out their candle while the drums exploded into the powerful and upbeat Cebu-composed Perlas Campaign Jingle, “
Perlas Kitang Tanan” (to mean, we are all pearls and we are all for Perlas).
As Tapati led the Perlas jingle with her powerful voice, the audience jumped up to dance and chant “
Perlas Ako! Perlas Ng Silanganan! Perlas Kamo! Perlas Kitang Tanan!” and cry out for the new Philippines -- “
Bag-ong kinabuhi! Bag-ong pagsalig” (New way of living, New way of believing”) and “
Buhi-on ang Bag-ong Pilipinas” (Free and make alive the New Philippines).
Evening proceeded with a wide spectrum of musical genre in the talented bands of Cebu gifting their music and hearts to Nick and the campaign for Nicanor Perlas for President.
PG-18 belted hiphop rock;
Islandrudebwoy and
selassiesons dj playing world music;
Acid Burn playing alternative rock and
Blacksmoke playing classic rock.
The place was rocking to Nick Perlas as he exited close to midnight, exhausted but warmed and buoyed by Cebu’s most talented and artistic endorsement!