Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Women, It's Our Turn!

I am a woman. And while I do not spend my days consistently thinking consciously that I am one, I am. And there are times, though, that a statement made by someone, perhaps in jest, or an incident happens or simply noticing a beautiful new bloom on my mother's hibiscus plant brings home that beautiful fact of my life....I am a woman.

This morning my friend Becky sent me Cosmopolitan Philippines' online issue which had a four-page exclusive interview with Nick Perlas. As I read their exchange, and perhaps only other women would understand this, I could actually see & feel the women asking Nick the questions and listening deeply for his responses. As each question and thoughtful response was laid out, I had one of those moments when the fact of me being a woman was brought home to me. I am a woman. With interests, curiosities, cares and concerns very near and dear -- and present! -- to a woman.

It made me realize how important it is that we women truly go in search of the candidate who not only knows and respects women, but also, as a man sharing this life and world with women, truly gets the difference of being women. The type of difference that does & will make a difference in our world.

Nick gets it. Read the interview to know in what ways he does, and then, go share it with your girrrrlfriends!

Women, like Nick, YOU can take a stand for women & make the difference in our world. Begin with your choice for prez in 2010.

Thanks, Cosmo!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Hopeful & Comprehensive Education Agenda by Nick Perlas

Nick Perlas through the Partido ng Marangal na Sambayanan (Pangmasa) presented a four-point action plan to carry out his education agenda.

* Identify the top 100 secondary educational institutions of the country, provide support for their innovative practices, document and disseminate their creative educational practices, and enter into partnerships with them as hubs of educational excellence.

* Do an in-depth study, involving all stakeholders, as basis for the gradual transfer educational services to the cultural non-profit sector of society especially in partnership with the community.

* Create the policy environment for strengthening the role of private education in all levels of the school system.

* Increase the usage of educational vouchers to widen the choices of parents. Increase focus beyond just quantity of education services to quality of education services including more holistic educational approaches that develop multi-talented, creative, critical-thinking, socially-oriented students and citizens

“By a holistic approach to these problems in education we will be able to provide affordable education as a right of every citizen that goes beyond our generation into the next,” the party said.

Representing Nicanor Perlas

"What am I doing here?!?"

was at the Coliseum of the St. La Salle University of Bacolod filled with over a thousand college graduating students, faculty and administrators of the university and about a hundred more guests. It was packed, warm and the students had already been sitting there for an hour or more going through the final requirements and drills of graduating.

And now they were about to sit through another hour and a half on the upcoming May 2010 Elections, starting with an orientation on the use of the new electronic voting machines and following it up with a forum wherein a representative of each presidential candidate was to speak about their candidate and their candidate's platform for 10 minutes (or the mic would apparently be turned off) and then finally there would be a Q&A session between the audience and the reps.

That's what I was doing here. I was here to represent my candidate for president of the Philippines, Mr. Nicanor Jesus Pineda Perlas III. Given that I myself had only met Nick and started to read about his work a mere 4 1/2 months before getting on that stage; and given that I'd only gotten the part a day before the forum because the person who was to do it couldn't make it; and given that the others who shared the enormous stage with me were campaign managers or the wife of their candidate or had been on the campaign trail with them for many years, one would expect - as I did - that I'd be shaking like a leaf. But, I wasn't. Instead, as I said to Nick himself in a text after the forum, I was calm, centered...and on fire.

Well, yes, I had spent the whole night up reading both Nick's and others' writings, news clippings, and blogs; and watching a few (quite powerful) interviews of Nick. And, yes, I had spent the 7-hour bus-ferry-bus ride slicing through 10 pages of material to have it be as close to the strict 10-minute rule. And, yes, when I practised reading my talk over lunch to my two fast friends Eleanor and Mario, I was still over by about 20 minutes. And, yes, when I looked out over the vast sea of faces, I could easily see the huge splashes of yellow in front, and red and dark green to the sides, each one out in force for their candidate. And, yes, while seated among the reps, I got to listen to stories about the parties they'd been to and why the other wasn't there, giving me the distinct sense that they have been moving in the same circles over many years.

So, given all of that, why did I just not want to sink right through the floor, suffer from amnesia and never be seen again? I'll tell you why:

1. I had something to say and that something was the truth. When that happens, don't you just want to jump out and shout it out to the world? Nick, his platform and his track record are so clear, so genuine, so uniquely and refreshingly grounded in truth and integrity, that speaking of him is not only the easiest, but the most joyful thing to do.

2. Nick, the man, his genius, his heart and his platform are a huge gift to society. And so, speaking of these to the audience felt like I was handing over to them the best gift of their lives -- a real and viable and stellar option for the next president of the Philippines of their own choosing! This is why my opener was "Do you know how lucky you are?!?" As the Manila Bulletin article, The Race of His Lifetime, of March 23, 2010 said: "If slowly but surely wins the race, then Nicanor 'Nick' Jesus Pineda Perlas III may just end up being the leader that the country never even knew it had." I just felt thrilled and honored to be able to hand this gift to them.

3. Friends like Eleanor and Mario (how precious to see their glowing faces clearly in the crowd) who believe in you and remind you at each step that, no matter what, speak from your heart. And so, through each extremely complex and unrehearsed question tossed, though I had no idea in my head what I was to say even as it was my turn to grab the mic and head out to the audience, what came out of my mouth was honest, truthful and came from my heart which is, like yours, connected to our collective heart that is the source of the greater wisdom. The reminder is critical -- that we only have to empty ourselves of ego and of a full, overly active, smart mind, to let the deeper wisdom through. (Hey, don't get me wrong, studying the audience and their hot topics/issues beforehand would have helped tremendously! So, study, too!)

4. When you know without a shadow of a doubt that you are exactly where you need to be, when it feels like the universe has colluded to get you there, and when you get that you've been preparing for moments like these (even or especially when your mind is still trying to make sense of it...and is failing miserably), then - and only then - do you enter a zone. To me, a zone is when you are simultaneously aware and connected to everything while also in laser-like quality aware of yourself (without ego) as a unique channel of the greater wisdom that is wanting to be revealed. Make sense to you? It shouldn't perhaps at the level of mind, but it's real nevertheless. Nick has been tapping and spreading that wisdom in his words and deeds all his life. Now, is calling upon each of us to do the same.

At the end of the Q&A, here were the words I remember hearing that attest to what I say above had a positive impact on those around us:
1. The rep beside me, whose candidate shall remain nameless, said he had been reading Nick's writings and has followed his campaign closely and is so impressed. And that I was very "cool" and "the coolest speaker of the 10-min speech" (which I decided to do semi-extemporaneously)

2. Mayor Kate Gordon who was there to represent hubby and the Vice Chancellor of La Salle each came up to me and together said how much they have always admired Nick, his works, the person he is and his convictions and they are so glad he is fighting the fight. And how impressed they always are with what comes out of his campaign.

3. One man appeared from the crowd eager to volunteer to campaign for Nick in Bacolod and has been true to his word since.

A final interesting note. Someone who wasn't there asked me if the audience clapped louder for me than for the other reps. I'm not sure. Maybe not. I wasn't connecting in with the audience in that manner. Perhaps, just like surveys, clapping and cheering is all fanfare and fun and games. What matters the most is how much in each moment we get to touch our hearts and speak from there in a way that touches and speaks to their hearts, too. Hand over Heart, and Heart-to-Heart.

Thank you Nick and dear friends for your support throughout that time and for the opportunity to speak from the heart of our campaign! Such an honor to be in this journey with you.

Waking Up Civil Society Through the Arts

The first encounter between the Cebu Volunteers Perlas for President and some of the most respected Cebu artists on Wednesday (March 5, 2010) was a mind-stirring and heart-warming (heart-tugging) revelation about the life of artists in this part of the country.

Artists expressed feelings of repression. Not that they are prevented by anything like Martial Law from expressing their thoughts and feelings. What constrains them is that their art cannot sustain even their mundane needs. How can it then buy them the tools needed to hone their craft? Many have to hold regular jobs like call center jobs and other available means of living, making them fall short of the demands of their jealous muses.

Budoy’s experience was revealing. From Samar, he came to Cebu to train and be a visual artist. Since he found that this art form could not sustain his needs, he shifted to another art form. As Junior Kilat he rose in the local music scene. Still, he needed media exposure in Manila to hit it big. This came to him courtesy of a stay in the Pinoy Big Brother house. With it, he became public property. Unfortunately, the public had a different appreciation of the image they wanted him to project. Budoy had to find new options.

Who shall support the artists?

Is it the government? Zarah Smith, a popular musician and song writer pointed out that some countries like Switzerland support their artists, to the extent of allocating funds for them to share their art with other peoples of the world.

But how can a political administration give consideration for the special needs of artists when it cannot deliver basic services to the majority of its people? How can a political leadership provide a nurturing environment to artists when during its watch there was a considerable rise in number of journalists and media practitioners killed?

Is it business? As an event organizer, Fil acts as bridge between the artist and the business client. Forging a contract between these two is not easy. Artists value their sense of identity. For some of them to sing the songs they did not write goes against their principle. On the other hand, business puts premium on earnings on any given transaction. It is important to business sponsors that their chosen artist can bring in the patronage avalanche for the company’s products or services.

Is it civil society? Paolo Varela, a radio/TV host who is apparently a witness to the struggles of artists said, “culture of this society is not ready for their art.”

Why is this so, when culture (and art with it) gives identity and builds values and moral fiber of society?

Unfortunately our identity is still chained to our colonial frame of mind. This loss of identity became worse with the destruction of democratic structures and institutions during the regime of President Marcos. (The military was politicized; civil service was bloated by patronage, the control of the economy in the hands of few.) Moreover, with the Arroyo’s administration’s desensitization of our national psyche to corruption, violence and abuses, we are demolished at the core. There seems little left of true ideals and time-honored values.

According to Becky Smith, head of the Information Section of the Cebu Volunteers Perlas for President, “ this situation pushed Nicanor Perlas to run for the highest political office.” If the current callousness is allowed to prevail, a point will be reached when our society will lose its soul. After this, it will be difficult to restore our sense of spirituality or regain our capability for the sublime.

A President can trigger social transformation. According to Nicanor Perlas, “culture is an exciting dimension of Philippine excellence that has yet to be fully mobilized for national development.“ It is people constituting institutions. When people change their mindset and their values, collectively they can change institutions and work towards obtaining their aspirations. For us the Cebu Volunteers of the Perlas for President campaign, the election is just the beginning. We are in this for the long haul.

What will the artists contribute to this social transformation?

Music artists, who have risen in their craft, like Zarah Smith and Cattski Espina, believe that the artist must “do it himself,” pull away from frustration and low esteem, focus on creating quality work and a distinct identity -- an authentic voice. Cattski Espina and other artists have formed a cooperative for mutual support. On process is the promotion of song writing in Bisaya and enabling artists to produce their own songs.

Cebu is now known for excellence in reggae. G.K. Gonzales, reggae musician, culled from his experience in Hawaii, “ we artists have to start with ourselves, we have to have a sense of community by helping each other and we have to also become part of a larger society.”

Teresa Ruelas, who heads the Secretariat of Perlas Cebu articulated one realization, “This campaign is a bit like the artists’ experience of being marginalized because we are not mainstream, traditional, popular. Together, starting with ourselves, we are to awaken civil society. How do we do that?”

There was so much to think about, several proposals and suggestions and a number of concerns but the meeting had to come to an end. As a meeting ender, Becky shared a beautiful lesson drawn from her experience working with the Cebu Volunteers of Perlas for President, “if the intention is clear, the mechanism will appear.“

For me, the evening still offered another beautiful perspective. Budoy shared with us his social development project. He is making furniture from industrial wastes with the idle kids in an upland neighborhood. Certainly, he shall enrich the community with his visual art, which , being his first love, shall enrich his soul as well.

Shall this -- the coming together of one's true purpose and art and applying it in service of something bigger than oneself -- might this be one way of awakening and enriching civil society? In this conversation between the Cebu Artists and the Cebu Volunteers for Nicanor Perlas, we realized we had come together to live the question.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Partido Kalikasan Joins Coalition for New Politics

For immediate release
05 March 2010
Declares Support for Green Presidentiable Nicky Perlas and Launches “GREENING CAMPAIGNS” for the May 2010 Elections

Partido Kalikasan (PK), an emerging national Green political party operating in 15 bioregions nationwide; today, formally joins the COALITION FOR NEW POLITICS and declares our endorsement for the Presidential Candidacy of “Green CandidateNicanor Perlas, reports Cagayan de Oro environmental lawyer Maning Ravanera, PK Chairperson & National Leader.

We join a growing number of social and political movements across the country who are fed up with the massive graft & corruption in government & other sectors of Philippine society and with unsustainable forms of development policies & programs that are driving the triple crises in our environment, economy and culture; adds Environmental Engineer Dr Michael Nunez, PK Vice Chairperson from Cebu.

PK Secretary-General Roy Cabonegro from Rizal reminds everyone that the Filipino people deserves NEW POLITICS NOW and by joining this Coalition, we claim our direct stake in “…eradicating poverty, improving health and livelihood, removing corruption, improving the quality of life for all, establishing genuine peace, regenerate the environment, provide quality education, harness the Filipino creativity, energize broad-based economic development.

Towards this end we shall mobilize our members, supporters, other Greens in the country and like-minded Filipinos, here and abroad to “…create a sustainable nation capable of taking its appropriate role in world affairs” adds Cabonegro, quoting from the agreement signed today by PARTIDO KALIKASAN and PANGMASA (Partido ng Marangal na Sambayan) as founding members of the Coalition for New Politics during the “2nd Perlas ng Silangan” Festival at the Bantayog ng mga Bayani in Quezon City.

PK National Spokesperson Jules Penales of Metro Manila explains further that for this coming May 2010 elections, Partido Kalikasan believes that supporting national and local candidates who carries the GREEN DEVELOPMENT POLITICAL AGENDA” of Partido Kalikasan within the context of NEW POLITICS is the way forward given the imperative to challenge Traditional Politics and the need for decisive actions for the environment; particularly the challenge of climate change.

For the office of the President, Penales adds that PK has reviewed the competence, integrity and political agenda of all Presidential Candidates and have come to the conclusion that it is Nicanor Perlas; who heads PANGMASA, who is the best option consistent with PKs Green Development Political Agenda. We are therefore declaring him as our Presidential Candidate and calls on all our members and supporters and other greens to mobilize and support his campaign.

PK Cordillera head Ms. Liberty Talastas reminds us; however, that while the powers and authority of the Presidency is the most potent political force that can be mobilize for our intended new politics and green reforms and actions, it will take more than one green and new politics President for this country to confront our many challenges. It is therefore imperative that we campaign and win genuine Green and new politics candidates running in the other national positions and more importantly at the local levels where the real fight for the environment is.

For our part, Talastas reminds the public that PK local groups have endorsed and is now campaigning for some of our members who are running for local post carrying our green agenda and within the context of new politics. These include; organic farmer Padz Pangan running for Governor or Zambales, peace advocate Arbee Talaslas running as Vice Governor of the Mountain Province. Aeta leader Lito “Tubag” Jugatan running as Zambales Provincial Board member and anti mining advocates Rodney Galicha and Domingo Marin running as Sibuyan Provincial Board member and town councilor respectively.

PK Secretary General Cabonegro concludes that for this coming elections, we will run several campaigns to identify, rate and convince local & national candidates from Vice President to Senators and Party List who carries new politics and the green development political agenda to sign a PEOPLES’ GREEN COVENANT” with us.

On April 26, at the eve of the elections, Partido Kalikasan will present to the public these GREEN CANDIDATES” whom we shall endorse together with Nicky Perlas, concludes Cabonegro.

For more information:
Jules Penales, National Spokesperson. Mobile 0928 4611873 Email:
Roy Cabonegro, Secretary-General Mobile 0929 4418247 Email: 
Visit our website at: Follow us in twitter; facebook
PK National Secretariat: Room 119 Ground Floor, Asian Social Institute (ASI), 1518 Leon Guinto Street, Manila

Press Release - New Coalitions Arising!

Green Presidential Candidate Nicanor Perlas of Partido ng Marangal na Sambayanan (PANGMASA), Partido Kalikasan and the Anti-Trapo Movement of the Philippines launched Coalition for New Politics

Press Release
March 5, 2010

“Partido Kalikasan (PK), an emerging national Green political party operating in 15 bioregions nationwide; today, formally joined the COALITION FOR NEW POLITICS and declared  their endorsement of the Presidential Candidacy of “Green Candidate” Nicanor Perlas, reports Cagayan de Oro environmental lawyer Maning Ravanera, PK Chairperson & National Leader. At the signing of the memorandum of agreement between Pangmasa( Partido ng Marangal na Sambayanan) and PK were Nicanor Perlas, the Green Presidential Candidate of PANGMASA, Jules Penales, spokesperson of PK from Partido ng Kalikasan Metro Manila and Roy Cabonegro, Secretary General of Partido Kalikasan. Joining them in the coalition is Leon Estrella Peralta, Founding Chairman of the Anti-Trapo Movement of the Philippines, a politcal and human rights activist  and official candidate for Congressman of the 2nd District of Quezon City of the Buklod Political Party. The MOA was signed by the different parties at the Bantayog ng mga Bayani Memorial in Quezon City, today March 5, 2010.

Please see statement from Partido Kalikasan

Media contact for Nicanor Perlas and Pangmasa:
Cecille Ferrer
Volunteer, Media Team Nicanor Perlas 2010

The GIFT of This Journey -- Campaigning for Nick Perlas

i also don't have any idea what's going to happen in the future...all i know is that i am enjoying this journey with all of you...i wake up each morning wondering how's our campaign doing, how i'll be able to fullfill  my share, what new things i am going to learn from all these...maybe that mystery of what the future holds for us is the thing that keeps us going. uncertain yet unafraid we tread the path because we have faith that there is still hope for our people...for this nation. may we continue to keep the faith alive in the deepest part of our being.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

15 Reasons Why I'm Campaigning for Nicanor Perlas to be Next Philippine President

[Pam Fernandez’ adaptation to the postings of Panjee, Noid and others who provided some ideas/template through their own reflections]

1.      A man of spiritual virtues and goals; practices clean and wholesome living: He has been consistent in pursuing his purpose: serve earth and country through his most authentic self, despite risks and other challenges. Honesty and integrity are something that he lives in. He practices clean living, doesn't smoke, drink, and eat meat. He was a certified athlete thus imbibed values such as teams-manship. He eats lower in the food chain (vegetarian).

2.      A practical visionary- vision translated to action: His initiatives are visionary or are linked to the greater good, the higher forces; to inner values, personal development and community service. And these initiatives are well grounded, and are affirmed by highly respected visionary groups at the global level. He has a vision and a complete platform of what needs to be done. Included in his platform is to mainstream VISIONARY initiatives. In other words, he welcomes and facilitates manifestation of innovations and creativity. He works to implement them on a broader scale. He also sees the need for civil society as a collective institution to serve as a check to the excesses of government.

3.      Strong on Threefolding: He is effective in bringing together initiatives from the 3 realms: culture, economic and political. He has a broad concept on the basis and processes of this threefolding. He has a holistic approach to our country's problems, seeing the need for the government (POLITICAL sphere), business (ECONOMIC sphere), and civil society (CULTURAL sphere) to work together most effectively and spiritually.

4.      Balanced person, with integrated head, heart and will; practices what he preaches about societal change; led wholesome national movements of global impact: He is very intelligent, well-read, broad minded and thinks at the “synthesis” level.  His thoughts and vision are written in an international bestselling book Shaping Globalization: Civil Society, Cultural Power, and Threefolding which has been translated into at least 9 languages. He is highly sought after on a wide selection of topics. He is also initiator, founder, co-founder of civil society movement: KARANGALAN which celebrates the various talents, achievements, and innovations by Filipinos. PAGASA which seeks to develop the spiritual and cultural well-being of the Filipinos, which will eventually make for a better country. Truthforce is a web-based global magazine that celebrates truth and good news, providing creative solutions and hopeful events and concepts so we may find strength, hope and greater connection in our earthly work. He also lives the philosophy of freedom of each human being as he didn't compel individuals nor the organizations to which he belongs to join him in his candidacy. Instead, he left if up to them whether to support him or not.

5.      Has vigilance and does effective work in citizen-based watchdog: He is honest, and has zero tolerance for corruption He has been fighting corruption from the time of Marcos to Cory to Erap and to Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Despite threats to his life, he fought for the closing of the corrupt-ridden Bataan Nuclear Power Plant during the time of Marcos and succeeded in stopping it from operating. He did this while living in penury in the United States. He was also the Environmental Representative in the Steering Committee of KOMPIL II that developed the detailed strategies that eventually succeeded in removing President Estrada from office. He is highly instrumental in the banning of 32 dangerous agricultural pesticides, and in protecting farmers from trade liberalization esp during the big APEC meeting held in the Philippines in 1996.

6.      Clarity on analysis and vision about the environment: He warned us of global warming, climate change ; super typhoons, and the tragedies it would bring, despite being called a fear-monger. These are mainstream topics now. His understanding of the science of nature is deep. Strategies based on this deep understanding would consequently be more effective and long-term.

7.      “Cosmic” Agriculture: I have seen that his kind of “energy agriculture” or “quantum/cosmic agriculture”, or biodynamics (one form of it that he has been practicing and promoting) truly works, and has spread to more than 3,000 families in the country. Such system of farming produces high yields and considerably much less inputs and cost; but more importantly, it gives quality that is better than what organic farming gives. Nicky became not only an agronomist but a farmer who is well sought-out by people wanting to learn alternative ways of farming. His dream of becoming a physicist got translated to a kind of agriculture that affirms indigenous practices, quantum science based approaches and thus greatly helped our highly marginalized and poor farmers. He further deepened sustainable agriculture and organic farming; thus, freeing farmers from the bondage of pesticides and poisonous chemicals, as well as bulky inputs.

8.      Alternative Economics: He helped the poor set up businesses via microfinance. This has helped over 200,000 farmers. He had been advancing associative economics where externalities or the other cost of production, as well as household-level affairs are part of the equation.

9.      Global recognition of work in threefolding and others: He is recipient of the 2003 Right Livelihood Award (also known as the Alternative Nobel) "for his outstanding efforts in educating civil society about the effects of corporate globalisation, and how alternatives to it can be implemented." He also received other global and national prestigious awards. These recognize that he “walks his talk”, that his accomplishments are well grounded and that could serve as template for development efforts in other counties and organizations.

10.  Strong on the cultural and artistic means of transformation: He is the artist's candidate, because he sees the need for the CULTURAL sphere (meaning, the rest of us) to remind government and businesses of what really matters at the level of “culture and spirituality“ and not just money and material things. He also advocates and developed initiatives that promote creativity in all aspects of life. He himself is a living example of creativity. He lives the saying “the revolution of the heart is the heart of the revolution”.

11.  Genuinely uses and is effective in participatory processes: One can observe this when he is in workshops. He includes everyone in decision-making. He listens to what everyone has to say and treats them with respect and as equals. He is a down-to-earth kind of guy, without airs, and you feel you can approach him anytime. He has a great sense of humor, and has an endearing belly laugh.

12.  Has magic effect on people; connect them to their higher purpose: You don't have to think of 'gimmicks' or tricks when trying to convince voters to vote for your candidate. You just let them know about his achievements and the kind of person he is, and it's an easy sell. He has that kind of aura that makes people resonate with him, even before they meet him in person. He inspires people who get to know or listen to him. These people get connected to their higher self and deep purpose in life. He was in my journey to finding myself and my life work in the academe and outside.

13.  Engages the “ordinary” to be part of birthing the New Philippines: He inspires hope and makes one’s participation in the campaign light and fun! You get to collaborate with very creative and passionate individuals, who like him, has a vision of New Politics and a New Philippines. You get to participate in a momentous event in the history of the world. This is an opportunity, to work actively for a vision of a New Philippines and with a visionary who has the track record to back it up comes along very rarely, and I don't want to pass it up.

14.   Paved the road for my personal growth (esp in holistic thinking) and world service: He is strongly a part and highly instrumental in my journey as mother, teacher, scientist and farmer partner. He opened the door for me to the second scientific revolution, the science of the impossible. This led me to my own exploration and expanded my resonance with …Quantum agriculture and Agnihotra, Alternative education, Alternative medicine and healing, and Alternative lifestyle.

15.  It is the right time for this momentous event that has global impact, and he is the carrier of this change. The New Politics is being born and the Philippines is its place of birth. It is a global shift happening and we are significant players in this event. Such require new consciousness, new processes and great creativity. Only an authentic, spiritual, well-grounded person, who has the ability to connect to this collective intelligence may lead in this process.

Noynoy or Nicanor Perlas? Comparison is pointless, but, sure, why not...

I was given very informative and useful information about Noynoy and his achievements. I read it from top to bottom. Not substantial nor inspiring by any stretch of the imagination...and not what our country truly needs. So, I am campaigning for Nicanor Perlas, because of his stellar understanding and work on New Politics, and on quantum transformation, and his complete service to the greater society over his own personal proven over the 40+ years of his work.

Noynoy had problems in Cebu in one of his sorties... the elitist came out. Many NGOs are actually for him. But what they say is something I cannot resonate with. They say, "Sa kanya na para maipush ang ating sariling agenda; Kaya sya imanipulate natin." What a loss of thinking....self-centered, non-holistic, non-systemic thinking, which, from reading the Bills Noynoy has led and passed, are from that same limited capacity to think. His bills are simply palliative measures, forwarding more of the same. In his history as House Representative and Senator, this is clear -- the status quo remains and rules. Nothing new and transformational on the horizon.

His issues in Ha Luisita are whitewashed. Agrarian reform? [Don't even get me started on that one.]

I believe we need a non traditional politician, someone who can make each voter reach deep inside their being and realize that they are part of the real solution. And it can start with actually voting for the real solution.

I am not worried about the voter numbers. Miracles can be harnessed...! If you've ever been a change agent yourself, remember the 100th monkey effect? The pond story? Presencing? Margaret Mead's words on never doubt that a small group of citizens can change the world, in fact they are the only ones who have? Besides, our vote cannot be placed on who we think will win. There goes that follied, limited thinking, again!

Vote on who you think (and fairly assess) to be the right person for the job -- mentally, historically, spiritually -- and who shares your true heart's vision of what it means to have a better world, a better future -- for all! Don't settle!

There are many reasons talaga why we choose someone. To me, the basic is track record, authenticity, quantum approaches, deep and conscious spirituality, effective change agent, real heart for the poor/masa/farmers/fisherfolks and global in perspective. I hope that Acacia people are including these discussions as a way of threefolding.

Climate change -- where to begin?! -- also needs a very untraditional approach and quantum is the realm we need to activate to make the strides we need to heal our planet... Tell me, who is clearly the leader in this movement, way before we understood and cared about the environment in this country?

We need to cross dimensions into a new kind of country if we are to break out of our pattern of underdevelopment. And a leader must help create that field that gives us courage, stamina, hope and approaches to cross the bridge. Who has had the focus, intention, work and acknowledged domestic and international success on sustainable development?

This is a momentous time in our country's and earth's history. My hope is we all can ride this wave of change, for the greater change of the world. The leader we choose needs to be truly authentic, one who leads with thoughtful, responsible, conscious paradigm shifts guided by spiritual change. We badly need this for our country and the world.The question is are you - citizens of the Philippines -- ready for this change? The planet is. Our farmers and fisherfolk are. Our students, teachers and artists, too. Our urban poor, yes.

This for now....

Regards to all,

I Know You're Busy, You Can Still Be Part of the Movement

I just had a nice email exchange with a new friend I immediately like and respect. I appreciate his note because it gave me the pause in my own busy day to sit and reflect. Thinking (not thoughting) is always such a gift to yourself and others around you! Thanks, Kenneth!

On 3/3/10 10:45 AM, "Kenneth" wrote:

Hi Teresa,

It's good to hear from you. As much as I want to help on the cause due to previews commitments, I can't join you.

I am with you in spirit and I wish for his success. Kudos to all!


Hi Kenneth,

Thank you for your note! I totally understand, we are all busy busy people. And, there are many ways to journey with us without the traditional volunteering, such as:

  • In conversations, one-on-one or in small groups, just challenging the status quo gently; just asking a question like “do we really want to vote based on popularity or who is winning or on who inherited legacies (having a great mother does not make one great, too)? Or do we want to choose our real dreams and principles for our country?” More assertive would be: “How can we live with ourselves knowing we chose someone because he was lesser of all evils?” Less assertive might be: “Let’s just think again and assess what real track record means and who has it...” or whatever your unique style would call for.
  • Use the great line you wrote in your Twitter: FREEDOM isn't something that is given to you, it is something that you have to take.
  • You have twitter and blog, continue to raise your thoughtful questions and perspective there!
  • Connect us with others who share the vision....or simply the questioning.
  • We are collecting contact lists for text-blasting...which gives people chance to say no when they get first message. You know we will respect people’s privacy & delete from list when they say “unsubscribe”....if I sent you the template, would you fill a sheet or couple of sheets of it?
  • Read/follow us on; read the works of/by Nick at; our Connect to us on FaceBook!

I bet you could think of creative ways of how, in the course of your work & busy life, the opportunity to just have people pause, think, awaken them from their automatic thinking (we all fall into this...we need each other to keep us awake/conscious)...or to simply breathe from your heart and breathe that heart-thought to the person or persons around soften the hard shell of learned helplessness, cynicism, hopelessness, fear to let go to the new...this is all.

Thank you, Kenneth! Take good care and thanks for all you do and are that especially serves the greater good!
